Οι ερωτήσεις μου

Ερ: Please add AT24C 100A version in Banggood

Ερώτηση από rajeshmag επί 2021-09-12 14:41:13

The seller Hello friends, we will release the AT24C 100A version as soon as possible

2021-09-17 03:18:15 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (1)

Ερ: Please add 100A version as well

Ερώτηση από rajeshmag επί 2021-09-04 11:22:49

The seller Yeah,thanks for your feedback.

2021-09-07 02:02:42 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (1)

Ερ: How good is this tape? Does it really work stopping water leaking?

Ερώτηση από rajeshmag επί 2020-01-25 06:14:52

BG563346132 I don't know it has not turned up ordered November 7 2020 3 months ago not happy .

2021-02-17 20:19:20 Βοηθητικός (2)
Απαντήσεις (2)