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Ερ: Can I power this device on a water supply tap please

Ερώτηση από BG373695716 επί 2023-07-25 11:17:48

BG233491420 Nein. das ist eine Spielzeug-Saugpumpe. 160 Watt? Haha vielleicht 15 Watt. Damit kannst du dein Auto nassmachen, aber keine Insekten von der Scheibe entfernen.

2023-07-29 03:59:05 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (1)

BG555501810 To deliver 4000W it will probably consume 8000W or more, which will expect a fuse of more than 36A from the 220V net. eventually a 3-phase will do the trick, but who will be able to supply that - through a 10A plug? And the toroid and the cooling will have to be at least 10 times as big. How can the physics in this be explained? If it can deliver 40W it will be extremely hot. To deliver 4000W it will glow - with thermal runaway before you can say cake.

2023-02-18 05:53:17 Βοηθητικός (1)
Απαντήσεις (3)