Όλα τα μηνύματα

Ερ: Boa tarde, tem o idioma português (Brasil)?

Ερώτηση από AHTP επί 2019-12-16 02:31:25

TorqueTheOne no tenga idioma portugese

2021-09-20 05:45:27 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (3)

Ερ: Hello, it's possible to call with this watch ? French langugag version it's in the watch?

Ερώτηση από Emmanuel Atlan επί 2020-12-14 05:33:39

TorqueTheOne no it's not posible to speak at the watch..and does not have french..only chinese and english..

2021-09-20 05:43:54 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (3)