
Ερ: Can I use this to transmit wifi signal to an iPhone 7?

Ερώτηση από BG911102293 επί 2021-02-05 16:59:37

BG193737401 Is not possible.

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Ερ: Can it be dangerus to connect that to a 7.4 V Lipo?

Ερώτηση από BG424417381 επί 2021-01-29 04:34:51

BG193737401 Directly yes, it can be dangerous. Input Power: 1S Lipo Battery (3.7 - 4.2V)

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BG193737401 Hi, it's normal for it to get a little warm. It is usually the VTX that does it. That is why it is important to fly it when connecting it, since the air that the propellers expel allows to cool the drone.If you connect it by usb to configure it, I recommend using a fan in its direction. Now, regarding the signal loss, check if your "FPV Goggles" is on the correct channel and band. Check the configuration through Betaflight / emuflight

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Ερ: will work on syma motor mounts ?

Ερώτηση από Fabian Negrin επί 2021-01-21 22:30:13

BG193737401 Hi, I'm not sure which version of Syma you mean but if it's the Syma X5 I think the reference is: "4X Racerstar 8520 8.5x20mm 53500RPM"

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