
Ερ: What is the accuracy of the square?

Ερώτηση από Douglas επί 2021-07-21 15:58:45

BG344336531 Io ho dovuto tarare i 90° perché da un lato non era precisa, ma niente di difficile con le 4 viti, poi non ho più avuto problemi

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BG344336531 If the bus wiring is 12V, it is possible

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Ερ: Olá, vc tem na tensão 24v?

Ερώτηση από Rafael M επί 2018-05-07 10:06:40

BG344336531 No, 12V

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Ερ: Will it work with 9v?

Ερώτηση από omerss επί 2019-07-23 12:21:03

BG344336531 No, 12V

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Ερ: it says 2a 28w is this per meter or for all 5 meters?

Ερώτηση από FarmerBoyFPV επί 2018-11-17 19:26:17

BG344336531 28W in total, for 5 meter

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Ερ: will this work even if it is directly connceted to the power supply?

Ερώτηση από Sparky επί 2017-11-11 07:45:18

BG344336531 No, è a 12V

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