
Ερ: como faço para escolher o tamanho P

Ερώτηση από BG543943181 επί 2021-01-29 21:37:30

BG111054512 You take a wild guess and just go for 3 sizes bigger

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Ερ: Will this be available in the UK warehouse?

Ερώτηση από Sulian2 επί 2021-02-13 04:09:28

BG111054512 Probably not, if so where are they ??

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Ερ: So it's $309 for a hunk of styrofoam?!

Ερώτηση από Stevep1971 επί 2021-01-24 13:05:14

BG111054512 Yes, looks like dynam type undercarriage 😱😱

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