Οι ερωτήσεις μου

AresFPV the connector is an ipex or ufl connector.

2022-03-07 15:21:42 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: Is there 2 or 3 plugs. The pictures show both ?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2021-12-19 11:34:34

Charles One male and one female as shown in the picture.

2021-12-21 00:15:45 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: Where is the best place to install? Between each componenet or at the main power source?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2019-08-23 09:28:57

blakey17 It's used to clean the voltage spikes picked up by your fpv gear so the vtx mainly and maybe the camera but iflight says vtx so it should be between power and vtx to send a cleaner picture back to you... Δείτε περισσότερα

2021-11-18 20:34:54 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: Can I use this with the FS i6 ?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2020-01-16 22:50:44

xenoblade You need receiver fs-bs4.

2021-11-15 09:03:14 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: I noticed a potenteometer. Is the voltage adjustable?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2019-08-27 19:50:47

RicBorgs No

2021-09-29 08:08:32 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (2)

Ερ: What watt. esc with 7.2v ?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2020-01-27 21:36:20

BG231044220 ran one on a 10 amp did alright till i pranged it

2021-07-28 10:07:24 Βοηθητικός (0)
Απαντήσεις (1)

Ερ: Can I receive with a "generic" RX? Or do I need Fatshark equipment?

Ερώτηση από spider επί 2021-01-21 19:07:04

SHINY i use with my fatshark

2021-02-06 01:28:08 Βοηθητικός (0)
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