Όλα τα μηνύματα

Ερ: what is the firmware version and how can it be upgraded?

Ερώτηση από BG573216171 επί 2021-03-02 08:34:13

mainframe Yes, it can be upgrade by using Flash Multi (github, and the instructions on the website). This will rewrite the bootloader and a firmware of your choosing. i.e. aircraft, land etc. That's the easy way I found.

2024-05-15 03:37:16 Βοηθητικός (1)
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Ερ: Does it have a barometer?

Ερώτηση από mainframe επί 2021-08-01 02:50:56

scooter nope sorry it doesn't...but the 20x20mm Skystars F722HD F7 does and it is the same but its $48US

2021-10-12 07:10:21 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: i cannot use in 30a circuit breaker?

Ερώτηση από BG135501148 επί 2021-09-01 01:17:00

mainframe You can. I am on a 16amp breaker and use this quite a bit. I usually go up setting 6 or 7 (current dial) because the wires do get hot if use it for a larger amount of welds. A few days ago i did a 5s16p pack on setting 6 with ~12 pulses and i had to let the welding wires cool down because they were too hot to hold comfortably.

2021-09-01 01:53:09 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: what size is the prop hub shaft? 5mm? 6mm?

Ερώτηση από Andy0679 επί 2021-08-08 05:43:55

mainframe 5mm on the SunnySky x2216-7 1400kv that was included in the pnp kit

2021-08-09 02:08:59 Βοηθητικός (1)
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mainframe They will not grow to be like the picture suggests, in fact it's very unlikely that they will even germinate.

2020-06-18 06:37:20 Βοηθητικός (0)
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mainframe technically it should. the voltage range covers eu and us. I think what eu refers to in this case is the size of the device as it fits perfectly into a European wall socket.

2020-06-18 06:34:48 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: will this work with an inductive sensor?

Ερώτηση από jere69420 επί 2020-04-12 07:51:06

mainframe Not the top layer no, as an inductive sensor relies on metal. A bltouch is not an inductive sensor, it is a touch sensor. Inductive and capactive sensors can detect surfaces without touching. In short, i would not recommend an inductive sensor with this as the results can be unreliable.

2020-06-05 03:55:50 Βοηθητικός (1)
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Ερ: How can this be waterproof with so many holes (microphone / speaker) in it?

Ερώτηση από mainframe επί 2020-05-31 06:02:18

ouxinke Waterproof settings are made inside the camera

2020-06-01 09:22:35 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: Can I download apps from Google Play Store?

Ερώτηση από hendrick επί 2020-01-05 09:17:55

mainframe Yes, but pretty much anything you install doesn't really work. The device is just too slow to function.

2020-05-31 05:53:38 Βοηθητικός (0)
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Ερ: can i put simcard on it?

Ερώτηση από Christine Joy Baquilar Estrella επί 2020-01-23 12:47:05

mainframe No, you can not.

2020-05-31 05:52:11 Βοηθητικός (0)
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