Όλα τα μηνύματα

SerhiiM Hello, you need a radio with a bay for external module (some of Taranis, Jumper, Radiomaster has it). Check YouTube, there are several videos of how to do it. If you dont have such radio - it will be harder. Better to find someone with such radio, or go to FPV Drone shop where they can do it. What worked for me is Google search with: XM+ _my radio_ binding. ("XM+ Radiomaster TX16S binding" was my case). As advise - go with TBS Crossfire better

SerhiiM 05/09/2021
Σχόλια (2)

Ερ: I can upgrade more late to digital version buying what is needed

Ερώτηση από BG181440111 επί 2021-08-18 10:45:28

SerhiiM Yes, you can. There are HD versions available, so no problem with that

2021-08-28 12:24:51 Βοηθητικός (1)
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