
Ερ: If this is for a boat, where is the water jacket, and how would it fit over the fins?

Ερώτηση από Pugwash επί 2021-12-08 02:23:19

jakel1977 I put mine in an arrma outcast exb no water jacket it's just a brushless motor

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jakel1977 they should fit in the car however your esc connection to batterys might be different I think JLB use Dean's connection not xt60

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Ερ: will this fit in a vrx rh1045? is the shaft on the motor the same size for thengear

Ερώτηση από BG365435369 επί 2020-07-22 21:03:37

jakel1977 shaft for pinion gear is 3.17 on this motor it's in the description to check

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Ερ: what is the most powerful battery I can fit into this

Ερώτηση από BG154853834 επί 2021-09-09 14:26:12

jakel1977 can run 4s but I would only use 3s get a 150 160 amp if you want to run 4s

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jakel1977 depends on your gearing but its fast 👍I had to cut a small amount out of the body but it does help get some extra air across the fan on the esc

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