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Κορυφαία θετική κριτική για %s στο Banggood, Αγοράστε τα καλύτερα %s με τη χαμηλότερη τιμή στο Banggood. Περιηγηθείτε στην πιο χρήσιμη θετική κριτική για το %s πριν αγοράσετε., παιχνίδια rc, διασκεδαστικά σπορ, μόδα, δημοφιλή ηλεκτρονικά
juris.davidovskis 24/10/2020
Perfect RC car, but steering wheel mechanism (K949-77) broke on second use (second charge). Tore it apart and half of details were plastic and other half metal. Plastic part was torn (no hardcore driving, just simple back and forward driving in yard). Ordered replacement by sale parts shown on instructions, but it came unusable as it did not fit (too small and all plastic). The car and performance is great. But can not find servo to replace broker part. Car is unusable right now as it does not steer any more.
Σχόλια (2)
  • Banggood Dear juris.davidovskis,Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for the inconvenience caused.In order to provide the best solution, if you have any questions about the product, please do not hesitate to contact us for a help by filling out the form at below links: Personal Computer: http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111Mobile: https://m.banggood.com/contact_us.html We will reply and offer you the best solutions after confirming the case within 24-48 hours. Best regards,Banggood Team

  • BG364734561 was just about to place my ORDER for this rc vehicle, but after reading your letter. I've decided to forget any idea of owning this model of vehicle . why the "heck" the maker of this GREEN sandrail is what I call it. show me they don't care enough to resolve upgraded and just fix the flaw in there design!!!
    "they should be responsible"

    Απάντηση 19/10/2021
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