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BG492135135 06/01/2024
This engine model is excellent! It can be installed in Kyosho Pure Ten chassis with some customizing. The clutch bell setup was difficult, but it works. The four stroke sound is pretty good!
Σχόλια (5)
  • Aglailson19 Muito bonito. Oque preciso comprar além do motor, para que consiga faze-lo funcionar?

    Απάντηση 18/01/2024
  • BG492135135 Thanks comments. The part list to install the engine into chassis is below;
    Kyosho Pure Ten chassis assy x 1
    For clutch bell assy
    M2.5-12 bolt x 2
    M2.5-30 bolt x 1
    M6-10 nut x 1
    Spacer(ID2.5,OD5.0,L17) x 1
    Washer(ID2.6,OD10,L1.0) x 1
    Washer(ID2.6,OD7.0,L1.0) x 1
    Clutch bell(IG111) x 1
    1 speed gear(IG112-14B) x 1
    2 speed gear(39724-26) x 1
    Clutch shoe(2PC type) x 2
    Bearing(BRG001) x 2
    For engine mount
    Aluminum plate(t=2) x 1
    Aluminum post(L=25) x 4

    Απάντηση 19/01/2024
  • mhector89 awesome work u did 👏

    Απάντηση 01/05/2024
  • Rudá Great build. do you have more details in any forum or youtube video?

    Απάντηση 14/05/2024
  • mechpunk67 can you give a few details on how you modified the engine to fit a clutch bell for putting in the rc car

    Απάντηση 11/12/2024
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