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BG347573333 19/09/2024
The delivery time of TEF86 Radio was reasonably fast. The radio itself works well, is reasonably sensitive on FM frequencies (88-108 mhZ) and the RDS features are quite comprehensive. The product gives a high-quality impression. The power consumption is reasonable and the battery life is quite good. Among the functions, I missed the ability to adjust the tone of the voice. The only negative thing concerns the telescopic antenna that came with the package. The antenna was cut off at the base of the SMA connector and is of poor quality compared to the quality of the radio. I recommend the radio for FM listening due to its good RDS features.
Σχόλια (1)
  • BG347573333 As an additional note about the wrong saving point. There is no USB 2 Serial Chip on the PCB, so there is no easy way to update the firmware. This was a very big disapointment !!!

    Απάντηση 25/09/2024
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