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BG347573333 16/10/2024
The TEF6686 Desktop radio is suitable for FM DX operation within the framework of its versatile RDS functions. The sensitivity is quite good. The plastic device case is basic and the perforations are a little too small for the twistable knobs. The knobs grip the edges annoyingly. Of course, you can fix this yourself and replace it with, for example, a higher-quality metal case. The included SMA telescopic antenna is of low quality. The antenna connections could be, for example, with FME or BNC connectors. There is no tone control. Headphone listening is not possible, because connecting headphones to the device does not silence the device's own speaker, which is one piece in the radio. Could be an individual fault. Even if the screen saver is in the OFF position, the device's screen sometimes goes dark, in which case restarting the device helps. All in all, a radio that can be developed, and you can easily modify it to get what you want. However, the price/ quality ratio is good.
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