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GAZ121 30/09/2021
arrived in the UK in very good time only like 3 days fits perfectly into to hobbyWing max 6 outperforms the stock fan so much more air flow runs much cooler I have this fitted in my Traxxas X Maxx and I Bash with it the durability is great because of the aluminium outer casing stops it flexing and breaking blades off this also Fits in Wear the two stock x maxx fans are over the motor I get no thermal cut-outs as the car is running so much cooler I would highly recommend these fans to anyone that is having heating issues if you found this helpful please hit the helpful button
Σχόλια (2)
  • joshua1993 Hello you saying the old fan is crap indeed but your saying these fitted straight in the esc no problem no shaving it down or nothing

    Απάντηση 02/10/2021
  • GAZ121 @joshua1993 yes fit perfectly no shaving at all!! only downside is longer cable Wich I zip tied to the center frame as you can see in the pictures. amazing upgrade in my opinion. hope it's helped!

    Απάντηση 03/10/2021
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