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Κορυφαία θετική κριτική για %s στο Banggood, Αγοράστε τα καλύτερα %s με τη χαμηλότερη τιμή στο Banggood. Περιηγηθείτε στην πιο χρήσιμη θετική κριτική για το %s πριν αγοράσετε., παιχνίδια rc, διασκεδαστικά σπορ, μόδα, δημοφιλή ηλεκτρονικά
coejoe345 12/11/2020
I really like this radio. Has so many pots and switches you should never be left lacking. I accidentally ordered the mode 1 version when I'm used to mode 2. It was simple enough to open up and switch to mode 2, which makes me think it'd be simple to customize much everything else about the radio. OpenTX is pretty awesome too. Lots of options to use for your models. Can easily add custom pictures and sounds if you wish. I like the foam box the radio arrived in, it seems quite durable and helps with travelling. The included key chain and stickers are pretty bad-ass too; some cool little additions.
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