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Κορυφαία θετική κριτική για %s στο Banggood, Αγοράστε τα καλύτερα %s με τη χαμηλότερη τιμή στο Banggood. Περιηγηθείτε στην πιο χρήσιμη θετική κριτική για το %s πριν αγοράσετε., παιχνίδια rc, διασκεδαστικά σπορ, μόδα, δημοφιλή ηλεκτρονικά
Loneman 14/09/2017
As this is my 2nd charger I'll just repost my original review: A fantastic Li-ion/NiMH charger with the option of manually setting the current you wish to charge your batteries at, of which there are 4 choices, plus the ability to set each channel individually or all together. But what sets this charger apart from the others is the ability to see the condition of your batteries. The Fast Test and the Nor Test might take a fair while to complete, especially with high capacity cells, but once finished you get a view into how well they are holding up, which is especially useful for salvaged laptop batteries. It's also very useful to confirm the rated capacity of any new batteries you may have just purchased. The things needed to make this charger perfect are: 1. a simple on/off switch or time-out circuit; while plugged in with no cells the unit stays powered all the time and displays "null" on the screen. 2. An option to keep the display back-light on all the while the cells are charging. 3. Drop down legs to raise the unit up at an angle for easier monitoring.
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