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BG135648814 28/01/2024
Very good! Installed into my crawler, to be used with DDF-350. Good reception, and I like the lights function very much. My notes: Some micro button functions are mixed in manual, here are ones I found by experiment: Brake direction reverse - 1 short mode Light activation mode (CH 3/4 _or_ turns) - 2 short mode Gyro direction reverse - 2 short bind Gyro on off - 3 short bind. Gyro off green, gyro on red. Lights to be used with LED: Positive (the _П_ sign) is actually shared across LEDs, and single wire can be used. On/off is done by opening/closing of low side (the - sign). So you can control 6 LED channels by 7 wires: shared + coming from positive and individual - for each LED. Bring your own resistors, there is no resistors on light pins. To turn on and off "F L" aka Flashing Lights output, not to be mistaked with what channel 3 activates :) Turn right four times, then turn left four times. Quick in end position, best help if you have turn indicators (C L), give them a small blink.
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