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Κορυφαία θετική κριτική για %s στο Banggood, Αγοράστε τα καλύτερα %s με τη χαμηλότερη τιμή στο Banggood. Περιηγηθείτε στην πιο χρήσιμη θετική κριτική για το %s πριν αγοράσετε., παιχνίδια rc, διασκεδαστικά σπορ, μόδα, δημοφιλή ηλεκτρονικά
Paul_Kroon 26/11/2023
How do you review a tool like this? The item was well packed, quickly sent and arrived in good condition. So, I charged it. Items like this are usually stored with 70% charge as that keeps the battery in best condition during storage. There was a reason for buying this tool. One of my tires is losing air very slowly. In two weeks time it loses 0.2 bar. And the garage checked but could not find the leak. The car is not my daily driver and is nearly parked in a garage. So, I need something to add some air to the tires before I start my road trip. And this tool does this very well. In cold state the tires must be inflated to 2.3 bar. In warm state it must go to 2.5 bar. And this tool exactly fulfills this need. I have used it several times without intermediate charge. Yes, I am very happy with this purchase.
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