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BG347573333 15/11/2024
AMNVOLT ATS Decoder model Mega is a radio with a larger, 4-inch screen equipped with a Si4732 chip. The radio's casing is all metal and the overall feel of the radio is high-quality. The SMA-connected antenna feels mechanically strong. The radio's functions are controlled with a single encoder button and a touch screen and these work well. The speakers are located on the back of the device, so the sound is a bit tinny and thin. The connections are few but functional, usb-c and audio L and R. The radio's sensitivity in the MW and SW ranges is quite poor, so this radio is not suitable for demanding DX listening. The sensitivity in the FM model is also not very good and the RDS functions are not enough for demanding use. An external antenna is necessary, of course, with a telescopic antenna you can hear local stations well. The radio is perhaps best suited for HAM use due to its versatile decoder mode options. The modest sensitivity should be taken into account. Updating the software is easy. I can recommend the AMNVOLT ATS MEGA radio for general use. It is easy to use, the display is good, the battery life is sufficient, it is made of high quality and the features are versatile. Four stars. Full points would have required better sensitivity.
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