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Κορυφαία θετική κριτική για %s στο Banggood, Αγοράστε τα καλύτερα %s με τη χαμηλότερη τιμή στο Banggood. Περιηγηθείτε στην πιο χρήσιμη θετική κριτική για το %s πριν αγοράσετε., παιχνίδια rc, διασκεδαστικά σπορ, μόδα, δημοφιλή ηλεκτρονικά
BG344213471 26/08/2022
Nice sensor and good accuracy (minimally tested though) with libraries from Adafruit and others for plug and play. I make my own libraries (no Arduino dependencies) and the datasheet is pure crap. It's not horribly written (decent english) but it's not documenting various features at all. Had to consult existing libraries to figure out simple things such as how the 3 bytes written to the bus are arranged so I could extract the temperature and humidity values. It'd take two sentences or a simile diagram to explain, but nope. Other than that it seems like an ok I²C sensor.
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